
约旦T. 坎普,美国研究副教授

约旦T. Camp is an Associate Professor of American Studies 和 Co-Director of the 社会正义研究所 是博彩平台网址大全的客座研究员 康涅狄格大学人文学院. His research focuses on the relationships between race 和 class, 富有表现力的文化, 政治经济, 国家, 社会理论, 以及劳工和自由斗争的历史.

Jordan是 Incarcerating the Crisis: Freedom Struggles 和 the Rise of the Neoliberal State (University of California Press, 2016); co-editor (with Christina Heatherton) of 维护地球治安: 为什么警察危机导致黑人的生命很重要 (Verso, 2016); 和 co-editor (with Laura Pulido) of the late Clyde Woods’ Development Drowned 和 Reborn: The Blues 和 Bourbon Restorations in 卡特里娜飓风后的新奥尔良 (佐治亚大学出版社,2017). 他的作品也出现在诸如 美国的季度对映体环境与规划D:社会与空间Eurozine, Journal of Urban History, Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative 和 Relational Ethnic Studies奥德 & 《博彩平台网址大全》比赛 & Class反思马克思主义, 和 社会正义. 他是《博彩平台网址大全》的联合主持人和联合制片人 播客 和 web系列. 他目前正在写一本新书, 南方问题.

Scott Gac, director of American Studies 和 associate professorScott Gac,美国研究和历史教授

Scott teaches a variety of courses in American cultural history at 博彩平台网址大全.  He has written on the antislavery movement, protest music, the Civil War, violence. 他的第一本书, Singing for Freedom: The Hutchinson Family Singers 和 the Culture of Antebellum Reform (耶鲁大学出版社, 2007), 详细介绍了哈钦森家庭歌手的生活和工作, the antislavery singing troupe 和 first commercially successful musicians of social protest in American history. Find out more about his recent talks 和 book news at his personal website, scottgac.com.

Am和a Guzman,人类学助理教授

阿曼达·J. Guzmán是一位拥有博士学位的人类学考古学家.D. 在加州大学伯克利分校获得人类学学位. She specializes in the field of museum anthropology with a focus on the history of collecting 和 exhibiting Puerto Rico at the intersection of issues of intercultural representation 和 national identity formation. Guzmán is the co-director of Trinity’s Center for Caribbean Studies.

With a record of fellowships awarded by the National Museum of the American Indian, the National Museum of American History 和 the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Guzmán has a demonstrated background h和ling 和 interpreting object 和 archival material in diverse collection-holding cultural institutions. She supports undergraduate anthropological training beyond the classroom through academic year research assistantships 和 regular participation in the Summer Research Program.

Am和a applies her collections experience as well as her commitment to working with 和 for multiple publics to her object-based inquiry teaching practice that privileges a more equitable, co-production of knowledge through accessible modelling of cultural work. As a former community learning faculty fellow 和 advisory board member, she actively collaborates with the Center for 哈特福德 Engagement 和 Research through community learning courses. Guzmán已经举办了班级演讲系列,重点是 波多黎各 和 博物馆研究, to promote student interactions with broader networks of scholars 和 cultural workers.

Am和a serves as a board member on the Council for Museum Anthropology, the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center 和 on the Board of Directors for the Pre-Columbian Society of New York.

Christina Heatherton, Elting Associate Professor of American Studies 和 Human Rights

Christina Heatherton是 出现! 墨西哥革命时期的全球激进主义 (加州大学出版社,2022年). The book will be translated into Spanish 和 republished by La Cigarra Press (Mexico 城市, (墨西哥)2023年秋季. 乔丹·T. 坎普,她之前编辑过 维护地球治安为什么警察危机导致黑人的生命很重要 (Verso Books, 2016). 她的作品出现在诸如 剑桥世界美国史, edited by Kristin Lee Hoganson 和 Jay Sexton (Cambridge Univ. 出版社,2022), Feminists Rethink the Neoliberal State: Inequality, Exclusion 和 Change,由Leela Fern和es编辑(纽约大学出版社,2018年), 黑人激进主义的未来, edited by Gaye Theresa Johnson 和 Alex Lubin (Verso Books, 2017), The Rising Tides of Color: 比赛, State Violence, Radical Movements Across the Pacific编辑:郑文浩(首尔大学. of Washington Press, 2014) as well as scholarly journals such as 美国的季度社会与空间, 《博彩平台网址大全》 城市社会正义, 接口. 它也出现在流行的场所,如 公众研讨会政治/信广场的Funambulist华盛顿的观众032年杂志.

Christina previously founded 和 co-directed several public facing initiatives, including: New Directions in American Studies (NDAS); the Oral History 和 Activism Project; 和 the Working Group on Racial Capitalism, 社会差异研究中心(CSSD)项目, 哥伦比亚大学. 她是……的编辑 市区蓝调:贫民窟读者 (自由现在 Books, 2011),并与乔丹. 营 自由现在! 洛杉矶及其他地区争取住房人权的斗争 (自由现在 Books, 2012). 她是播客/网络系列节目的联合主持人和联合制片人 紧要关头. 她目前是三一社会正义研究所的联合主任.

Karen Li MIller, visiting assistant professor in American StudiesKaren Li Miller, Lecturer in American Studies – 研究生学习 Program

Karen Li Miller teaches American culture 和 literature courses. 她的兴趣包括19世纪, 多民族, 女性的, 孩子们的, 物质文化研究. 她的论文, Locating Reproduction: Representations of the Chinese in Nineteenth-Century American Literature, 从多个角度探讨生殖主题, from the politics of individual 女性的 bodies to American immigration policies to Sino-American relations. 该项目考察了各种文本和材料, 包括正典著作, 比如梅尔维尔和吐温, 历史上的女性出版物, 儿童传教刊物, 中国艺术风格, 照片, 和玩具. This interdisciplinary 和 multi-layered research approach informs her teaching philosophy. 通过互动作业和讨论, she works to extend students’ sense of connection 和 authority with our texts as well as in their multiple communities, 从本地到全球.

Juliet Nebolon,美国研究助理教授Juliet Nebolon,美国研究助理教授

朱丽叶获得了博士学位。.D. 耶鲁大学美国研究硕士. Her research 和 teaching bring a transnational perspective to the study of race, indigeneity, 和性别, 特别关注美国.S. 亚洲和太平洋岛屿的战争和帝国. 拿破仑的书稿, Settler Militarism: World War II in Hawai‘i 和 the Making of U.S. 帝国 (under contract, Duke UP), focuses on the martial law period in Hawai‘i during the Pacific War.  This interdisciplinary project explores the overlapping regimes of settler colonialism 和 militarization in the domains of public health, 国内科学, 教育, 土地征用, 和拘留.  她在 美国的季度, “发自内心的生命”:定居者军国主义, Biopolitics, 第二次世界大战期间夏威夷的公共卫生,” was awarded the American Studies Association’s 2018 Constance M. 洛克奖. 她最近发表了第二篇文章, “Settler-Military Camps: Internment 和 Prisoner of War Camps across the Pacific Isl和s during World War II,在… 亚裔美国人研究杂志.



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